
Even though I am working in a data scientist role, I couldn’t able to learn NLP and advanced ml? It seems to be a mystery to me.

Created 3 years ago
@GuvigeekProfile is locked. Login

Do not think of everything as mystery, it might be more complex. Because there are more things required to understand. Since you're already working in data science, you have a good sense of programming, I suppose. And also maybe statistics and probability and take things step by step by step right. As I said, do the mathematical courses then move on to machine learning and deep learning? I think one of the challenges that I see is that let us say, if you wanted to learn quantum computing, right, you would not directly jump to quantum computing without knowing classical physics, right? Sometimes people tend to make that mistake with NLP data science machine learning, because the buzzwords have so much there in the public imagination that we directly jump to the end of it, right. So don't take shortcuts. Don't think of it as a mystery. It's really a curriculum. It's really a textbook like approach, read textbooks, do formal courses, and get your mathematical foundation strong, and I think it should be fine after that.

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