
Recently I heard about MLflow and Kubeflow.Could you please explain this?

Created 3 years ago
@GuvigeekProfile is locked. Login

Rather than worrying about Google, AWS, Microsoft stacks and so on, it may be more useful for you to learn tools, which help you in ML Ops, baseline, we have dev ops, I think shipping ml Ops, how do you create models? How do you version control models? How do you search for hyper parameters, models? How do you store the checkpoints of models? How do you store the last plot? How do you compute test accuracy or inaccuracy at different points, all these are things which can be systematized and the tools like ml flow enable you to do that. One more example that I gave was weights and biases. Again, it's similar to ml flow, but I think slightly better, because it lets you do things on the cloud itself. This is very, very important. So even for your course projects, or whatever online kaggle contest you're running to pick up using these tools, they are usually free, and you will find them quite helpful if what you're doing.

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