
Intuition versus implementation. What is more important for a business consultant when it comes to machine learning?

Created 3 years ago
@GuvigeekProfile is locked. Login

Intuition helps somewhat, in many things, especially for domain knowledge, right. So as a business consultant, maybe you're working in some domain, maybe finance, maybe some back office kind of work, you have some knowledge of that domain, that domain knowledge will help you provide the intuition. For example, should I keep this feature or not? Should I scale this feature? All these are choices that you may have to make. And you might have some intuition about that. But I still think that in the case of deep learning and machine learning, it is implementation, which is more important because the general trend that we have is we want the data to drive the decisions. We don't want to make too many decisions beforehand, because they may be wrong, right? So instead of that we want to be algorithm backed by data to make the decisions for us. So if you can build good skills in implementing models, you can try out different options and thereby explore all the differences, Since you have and don't have to make an intuitive choice between them.

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